

.IN /.CO.IN Keyword Usage in Tyre/Tire , Jewellery and Kitchen Categories

Every category or sub category are at different stages of .IN domain name usage. The interest among businesses to use Keywords related to their category is growing and there will be hundreds or thousands of word combinations being used. The demand for Premium 1 word or 2 word domains can be expected as competition for Customer Acquisition heats up. This is just a small sample of domain names being used, its not a comprehensive list by no means.

Source for this data is Public Whois information and Registration Data provided by NIXI (.IN Registry)

For more end user Keywords in various Categories, see curated list on Suresh.co.in/keywords.html

Tyre/Tire Category :

Since this category has 2 spellings, the singular and plural 1 word domains have been of interest to businesses

Camodo.com (Germany) owns Tire.in , Tire.co.in , Tyre.in and Tyre.co.in .

TireClub.com (Mexico) owns Tyres.co.in

TyreMarket.com (India) owns Tyres.in

Kitchen Category :

ITC Foods Division owns Cloud-Kitchen.in and Cloud-Kitchens.in

UFABS (Nevada US) owns CloudKitchen.in

Raja Industries (Punjab) owns CommercialKitchen.in

Thirumalai Industries (Tamilnadu) owns CommercialKitchen.co.in

Key 4 You (Haryana) owns ModularKitchens.in

SK Enterprises (Maharashtra) owns ModularKitchens.co.in

Jewellery / Gold / Diamonds Category :

Massy CVD Diamond (Gujarat) owns GoldJewellers.in

JBL Partners (New Jersey, US) owns DiamondJewellers.in , LabDiamonds.co.in , LabDiamond.in , RealDiamonds.in

Neologicx Resources (Rajasthan) own DiamondJewellers.co.in

Muthoot Gold (Kerala) owns GoldLoan.co.in

BS Puttaiya and Sons (Karnataka) owns Swarn.co.in (Gold)

Swarn Shree Gold and Diamonds (Andhra Pradesh) owns RoseDiamonds.co.in

Serverside Partners (Utah) own BestLabDiamond.in , BestLabDiamonds.in , LabDiamond.co.in

Taneja Enterprises (Delhi) owns LabDiamonds.in

Almas Jewels (Delhi) own GemGrading.in, GemGrading.co.in

Zaveri Brothers (Tamilnadu) own JewelleronWheels.in


​How to Value .in Domain Names

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