
Domain Name Opus.co.in sold for $2100

Domain Name Opus.co.in was reported to have sold on the platform Daaz , for $2100 . Meanwhile based on Whois information, Opus.in was also in transfer mode. A quick check on google revealed that Opus.in was listed fro $2980 on Sedo website, although we have no confirmation yet. This sale could be released in the coming week.

Either way, both domains appear to be purchased by same buyer, adding to strategy that all brands should acquire both .in and .co.in extensions upfront. Not doing so , could lead to brand confusion in the marketplace and possible domain name disputes in the future. Internet users in India are familiar with both domain extensions and could type in either extensions as a matter of habit.

A quick check on .com domain shows that Opus.com is listed for sale for a price of over $2 million. Using various factors such as Domain Name extensions registered, overall search volume, brandable domain strength and rarity of the domain name, one could argue the sale prices for .in and .co.in are quite low and its a steal for the buyer.

ChatGPT Quesion : What are the popular domain name extensions in India

BusinessInsider.co.in Bought for $7000

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