
Tickets.in INDRP (Case no. 1187 / March 17, 2020)

INDRP dispute Complainant - Tickets Worldwide (UK) , Respondent - India Portals (India)

Excellent arbitration in this INDRP concerning a Generic Descriptive Domain Name - Tickets.in 

Full Details https://www.registry.in/s3-assets/IOsrp1Wvh4oiPu7mSqk2.pdf

Shown below are the arbritration key points pertaining to the domain name and could be applied to future INDRP disputes for Descriptive Generic Keyword Domains .

Some key points:

1) Owning a TM of Generic Keywords in by itself is not enough, you will need to show/prove the TM Word has a Secondary Meaning as applied to your business. 2) Owning several generic domain names is a legitimate business practice 

Arbitrator : Ankur Raheja

BusinessInsider.co.in Bought for $7000

India Trademarks , INDRP and Generic Domains

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