
European CCTLD's have 58% marketshare


European ccTLDs | October 2022

  • The European market1 is estimated at 115 million domain registrations of which 58% are national ccTLDs, 31% .com and 11% other gTLDs.
  • Demand2 for European ccTLDs increased over Q3 2022 similar to the pattern last year and in the years prior to the pandemic. The demand ratio is currently being driven to some extent by a reduction in deletions (as opposed to a boost in new domain creations).
  • Median growth was 2.0% in the year to October 2022 (down from the 6 month average). The median renewal ratio has trended up to 84.7%.
  • Registrar (retail) prices of European ccTLD registrations have been increasing over the past 12 months, with a recently recorded median of 10.2 EUR (incl. tax) – up from 8.6 EUR 12 months prior.
  • The rate of parked domains and domains with no web content has remained stable over the quarter at 26% and 28% respectively. The proportion of domains which are used for developed web content is 46% of which 69% have forced https (SSL certificate) - up slightly from last quarter.

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